Henry V
A local community theatre (maplewoodbarn.com) needed a graphic that could be used for a variety of different promotional materials: posters, social media, shirts, advertising, programs and more. I was given a font and a red map of Missouri as design elements.
For this production, the classic Shakespeare play "Henry V" was set during the Civil War in Missouri rather than France. Henry had charge of the North's troops, and France became the South.
The Civil War cut through Missouri pretty severely, so I added the V into the Missouri outline to add interest and show that divide. I made the V part of a Civil War sword cutting through to push that idea further. This was all made in Illustrator, either iPad or desktop

The final graphic was used in a variety of social media posts and on the website. Below is the Facebook cover used for the full summer season.

The design was also used in a variety of physical promotional materials. Below are the program, t-shirts, and letter-sized handouts that were made. We also had posters similar to the handouts.